Monday, 26 October 2015

Earthquake of 26th Oct 2015 : My experience

First of all I'd like to thank God that I'm alive and in sound condition. But I experienced a near to death situation today. The fear, adrenaline rush I had it all today.

Below are the real events happened with me today on 26th October 2015.

We were all sitting in the office doing our work. My office is in cyber city, Gurgaon, 5th floor   (technically 9th because 0,-1,-2,-3) in infinity towers. I was talking to a colleague and I felt my head spinning it took me a moment to realize it was the building swinging like a pendulum. We all stood up, I took my wallet and phone from my desk and walked towards the fire escape. The boards hanging on the wall were in motion. In the staircase there were people from 9th to ground floor. All moving at normal speed. During our long journey from 5th to ground floor, we could feel the building spinning maybe it was the aftershocks. That constant fear of everything could break, magnitude could increase, we all could die thoughts like this were making many of us nervous. Finally we reached ground floor and out of the building. It was experience of a lifetime. To feel you could die any moment makes you feel alive.

The epicentre was Afghanistan and Pakistan, magnitude was 7.5
More than 250 people died in these countries. May god bless them all and they rest in peace.

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Vivek Choudhary

Monday, 19 October 2015

Why do humans fight ?

Lately I was studying the two great wars that our planet witnessed, World War I and World War II

I was shocked to see how inhuman these wars were. Now just these wars, the Partition of India was also kind of  war, millions died in that too. And many more examples are there to prove the madness of human being, and I did not find any good reason that triggered these wars. Just few egoistic men trying to prove they are more powerful than one another ? 
The concentration camps, Jews genocide, Sikh genocide, Nazis, Red Army etc this is too much. We need to stop.
There's no guarantee that there won't be a WW III. There are actual plans and strategies of various countries in preparation to WWIII. And trust me if there's a word for it then it exists. Sooner or later it'll happen and that'll be the end of mankind, all thanks to nuclear power.

In various countries that are underdeveloped there are communal riots. That's just great isn't it? You're more into killing other religion people rather than building a great and developed country ?
I mean seriously ? Are you willing to kill someone for a piece of land ? Soldiers are different they follow the chain of command but the one who gives them command, President, Prime Minister whatever, he should have thought this through. Nothing on this earth can justify the death of a single innocent man how can they justify lives of millions of people ?
And what on earth is the problem with man killing over religion. Why can't you all live in peace ?
Is it that hard ? Not at all, I wish to see a world where no one is scared of anyone.

God bless all.
Show them the path to harmony.

Vivek Choudhary