Saturday, 12 March 2016


I have not written anything lately, because to be honest I feel it hard to put my thoughts on a sheet, I just don't get motivated enough. But then I remembered something which was the very base why I started my blog.

Anything you write, will be read by at least one more person than you. So I write for that one person.

The topic here is "You" its a very interesting topic and one can write a book about it.
You see, the only person who can make you feel better, or make you feel bad is only you.
We feel happy or sad, because we want to feel happy or sad. And the medium is our expectations, A person with least expectations is always the happy one, because he can survive in the least favorable conditions. On the other hand when we look for comfort and want things according to us we cannot survive that environment and get hurt. You can relate this to everything in your life, love, money, success etc. So I would suggest you to give at least  10 minutes of your day to think about these 3 things, it will make you a better person.

- Who am I  ?
- What am I doing ?
- Why am I here ?

You may not get these answers straight away, but soon you will figure all this out.

See you soon...
Vivek Choudhary

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